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Yuye has always been a better cook than me. I knew all these past 10 years that he was good at it and it all really started with this chilli prawns dish. When Yuye and I started dating, this dish was the first dish that he made me. I guess that’s what wooed me to […]…
Do you always have cans of coke lying around at home? We do. It’s not so much to drink but more for using as cleaning agents and bug killers. You may not know how many wonderful things coke can do for you around the house. For instance, dad always uses it to clean the BBQ […]…
The words mapo tofu has to be one of the most well known Chinese dishes around the world, especially for those of you who like to eat chilli Sichuan food. It’s also one of Chen Kenichi’s (Iron Chef Chinese from the popular TV series) signature dishes. However, how many of you actually know where this […]…
Kung pao chicken or Gong Bao Ji Ding (宫保鸡丁) in Chinese is a famous dish from the Sichuan Province of China. There are many stories about its origin but one of the more widely accepted is the following. There once was a governor of the Sichuan province in the Qing Dynasty called Ding Baozhen who […]…
A few years ago now Yuye, myself and two friends decided to do a recipe app for the humble iPad. Some of my older readers may remember this as I mentioned it before and also posted up a few recipes from the collection. However, it obviously didn’t go as planned. In fact, it didn’t take […]…
I admit, I used to not like eating chicken as a child. Say what?! How can I not like eating chicken? I know. It’s hard to imagine now that it’s become one of my favourite foods as an adult. The truth is, when I lived in China, the street downstairs from my apartment was a […]…
Even though it’s already mid Spring, sometimes it still feels like we haven’t yet left winter. The Melbourne weather is as unpredictable and unforgiving as ever and I felt the full force of it about a week ago in Tasmania where it rained like the world was about to end but we still had to […]…